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Eat Right!

Our bodies are our vehicle. If you don't provide it with the correct fuel, you can't run properly. If you are hungry, it effects your ability to cope! And makes it too easy for anxiety to push you around. Without proper nutrition, we tend to be more irritable and on edge, lack energy, and focus, which has a major impact on our immune system and our emotional well being. Here are some key tips for eating right!

Be Consistent

Shoot for 3 meals a day and snacks in between so your body doesn't go too long without fuel. After all, you guys are using your brain all of the time and with the transition to online classes, I am sure it may feel more exhausting than normal. Eating 3 meals a day will give you the good energy you need to cope with anxiety, stressors, and deal with life's curve balls. And don't forget to drink lots of water! Being dehydrated can leave you feeling light headed and weak and it impairs the body's ability to fight off sickness.

Eat the Right Foods

Although, we sometimes crave junk food, when we are anxious and stressed out it doesn't give our bodies the proper energy to combat anxiety. Fueling your body with the right kinds of food an help you feel more settled and better able to cope with overwhelming feelings. Aim for some colorful fruits and vegetables and fuel up with protein. Serotonin, a neurotransmitter, is produced in the gut. It is a contributor to the feelings of well-being and happiness. It also promotes and modulates cognition, learning, and memory. That said, take care of your gut and your gut will take care of you!

Avoid Alcohol

I know as college students that none of you drink anyway, ESPECIALLY because many of you are not 21! Although alcohol has been known to have some distressing qualities and lower inhibitions - it is a depressant. This means that it can cause negative effects on your mood. It can have a great impact on your immune system, lowering the body's immunity, compromising your ability to have a strong and healthy immune system. Alcohol also changes the level of neurotransmitters in the brain, which leaves you feeling anxious as the alcohol wears off. With habitual use, it can end up worsening anxiety and depression problems.

Let the Wellness Center know how you are taking advantage of healthy habits by commenting on the app, this page, OR by leaving your answer FlipGrid.

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